Welcome to Prawar's Portfolio
Prawar Poudel, Ph.D. Candidate(UAH)
Engineering Building Room 272
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35899
Please find the codes written by me at the github link.
- The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Aug. 2018 - present
- The University of Alabama in Huntsville
M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Aug 2016 - May 2018
Using nor flash memory in microcontrollers for generating true random numbers
- Tribhuvan University
Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering,Aug 2010 - Nov 2014
Software Development: C, C++, Python, MATLAB, Expect(Tcl), MYSQL
Hardware Development: System Verilog, Quartus, Platform Designer, Modelsim, Medici (Synopsys)
Extensions and Libraries: Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow, Keras, Sklearn
Tools: Shell Scripting, GIT, MS Visual Studio, Wireshark, IDA, gdb, gprof, valgrind
Platforms: x86, ARM, NIOS, MSP430, Flash Memory, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Windows, Google Coral
Academic Experiences
Research Student, Aug. 2017 - present
- Research exploring physical properties of embedded flash memory in commercial microcontrollers.
- Research developing security primitives exploiting physical properties of flash memories.
- Developed firmware for interfacing commercial NAND flash memory chips.
- Developed firmware for interfacing commercial emerging non-volatile memories.
- Performance analysis of commercial emerging non-volatile memories.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UAH
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Aug. 2016 - present
Professional Experiences
- Center for Cybersecurity Research and Education (CCRE), UAH
Intern, May 2019 - Aug 2019
- Team Lead: Led research effort to suggest possible optimizations for archiving software. Conducted bi-weeklytechnical conferences
- Performance analysis: Performance evaluation of decompression and decryption algorithm for extraction ofarchives. Modification of software for implementing suggested optimizations. (Valgrind, gpof, C++, expect, bash)
- E & T Groups, Nepal
Software Developer, Nov 2014 - Jul 2016
- GUI Development: Developed and added parts in the already existing GUI for MUJO(http://www.eandtnepal.com/) (Visual C++, MS Visual Studio)
- PreProcessing: Debugged CAD model to particle conversion module for MUJO, a simulation software. (C++)
- Particle Visualization: Developed a module to display particles with color-gradient based on their physicalproperties like temp, pressure etc. (C++/CUDA/OpenGL)
- Animation and Analysis: Developed function for analysis and display of CAD models of auto-parts on inclinedplane.(C++)
- E & T Groups, Nepal
Intern, May 2013 - Dec 2013
- High Speed Data Transfer: Developed an application to transfer files among different branches of company.(JAVA)
Courses Taken
- Computer Hardware and Architecture: Hardware Reliability, Advanced Computer Architecture, Hardware/Software Co-Design, VLSI Design, Advanced Embedded Systems
- Cybersecurity and Systems: Computer Network Security, Operating Systems, Virtualizations and Containers, Advanced Cybersecurity Engineering
- Data Science : Data Mining, Machine Learning, GPGPU Computing, Parallel Programming, Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems
Courses Taught
Operating Systems, Introduction to Embedded Computer Systems, Digital Hardware Design Fundamentals, Introduction to Electronic Analysis and Design
Coming soon............
P. Poudel and A. Milenković. 2020. Saving Time and Energy Using Partial Flash Memory Operations in Low-Power Microcontrollers. In 2020 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 183–189. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/ISQED48828.2020.9137034
P. Poudel, B. Ray, and A. Milenkovic. 2020. Flashmark: Watermarking of NOR Flash Memories for Counterfeit Detection. In 2020 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 1–6. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/DAC18072.2020.9218521
Prawar Poudel, Biswajit Ray, and Aleksandar Milenkovic. 2019. Microcontroller TRNGs Using Perturbed States of NOR Flash Memory Cells. IEEE Transactions on Compututers 68, 2 (February 2019), 307–313. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/TC.2018.2866459